Our pilot project study “Unboxing The Bentobox” will be published in the upcoming issue of the Journal of Canadian Food Studies. We are thankful for the children and parents who took part in the study, and excited to share this news with you!
The paper abstract:
Bento, a Japanese-style boxed lunch, has a distinct cultural meaning for Japanese people as a medium of affective communication between children and parents. However, in Canadian schools governed by the dominant food norms, their culinary practices may stand out. We used an arts-informed participatory design to explore the experience of school-aged children (6-12 years old) of Japanese origin bringing Japanese food to school in Toronto.
We conducted 2 arts-informed workshops with 16 children who created artworks about their lunch boxes, and 4 focus groups with 19 parents (all mothers). Children’s artworks illuminated a common aesthetic about “good” lunch that closely reflected mothers’ commitment to preparing nutritionally balanced and aesthetically appealing bento. Both children and mothers reported that the Canadian school food environment (e.g., short eating periods, snack times, built environment) sometimes misaligned with their food practices. Some families were compelled to modify their bento to accommodate children’s needs to fit in at school. Participants’ narratives also indicate the prevalence of stigma toward “junk” food that may perpetuate food shaming at school. A more inclusive, diverse, and culturally appropriate discussion on “healthy eating” at school can embrace children’s and their families’ intercultural food identities.
Also, check the video summarizing the article:
Unboxing the Bentobox: Final Summary